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In cooperation with the New Mexico Public Education Department (NMPED), we are piloting datacasting as a method of improving learning in the home, especially for families whose internet access is not strong enough to support online learning. Under the terms of the Yazzie/Martinez Lawsuit, every family must have a computing device available for learning, a connection that lets learners stream a video, upload/download files, and participate in online learning using the systems it provides. 


To accomplish these goals, our Datacasting Pilot is seeking parents and teachers to join DART – Datacasting Action Research Teams, who together will produce a final product called the “Datacasting Family Cookbook: Recipes for Improving Learning @ Home”

Shadow on Concrete Wall
Register For The Program

Complete the Speed Test

How fast is your home internet?

An important part of our research is understanding the internet speeds of our stakeholders from their homes.  This data will help us develop a strategy on how to better serve families in our area. 

speed test.png
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